The the other night, we were having family prayer. I was in the middle of praying when Anna loudly whispers, "Mom! Say 'Chuck E. Cheese!'" I almost started laughing, but she was dead serious. So, I managed to work Mr. Cheese into our prayers that night.
Chuck E. has a special place in Anna's heart. She loves to go there and play. For Valentine's Day, Memaw gave Anna money and a token to go to Chuck E. Cheese. So, the afternoon of Valentine's Day, we took the girls there. Let me just say, who knew Chuck E. Cheese was the destination of choice for the day of love? It was packed! We would have had to wait in line for over a half an hour just to get in if we hadn't have had connections. (Let's just say it pays to have a sister who dates a guy who's brother works there!) We were escorted to the front of the line like little celebrities.
Anna had a great time at the Cheese. Josh, Memaw, and I picked up the stomach flu which we have been referring to as "Chuck E. Cheese disease." I will be honest. The past week has been miserable for us at the Weed house. Colds and the stomach flu have all come to visit. Yuck!